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Momsen's Music

The Pretty Reckless is a hot band. I really can't get over how amazing Taylor Momsen is at singing, her voice is edgy yet she carries the melody so well, it makes it hard to call her music grunge. I would call it (if it were up to me) melodic grunge. Sure, she doesnt have the edge of Kurt Cobain who invented to grunge scene way-back-when, but she is managing to be pretty kick ass at what she does. 
Taylor Momsen's style has been labeled as: Dark,Slutty,Goth,Grundgy,Rocker-ish and all those could be good or bad things, I think her style is pretty great. It's might not be the style for your regular school day, but it does let me know about Miss.Momsen, it's a expression of who she is which is essentialy what style is. Taylor is bad-ass yet she has this classiness to her and you can hear that in her music.


  1. her music sucks she wears waayy to much make up,and she used to be cute and innocent. Deffinatly not anymore!!

  2. I like her music...i think she's brave to take that risk.

    Her style,her choice it's what makes her...her.

    Cute and innocent are labels, she's her own person, Taylor Momsen isn't seeking attention through drugs or alcohol or even men she's making a name for herself and she's her own person.


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